Publikace v časopisech
Gášková D.: Complementary methods of processing diS-C3(3) fluorescence spectra used for monitoring the plasma membrane potential of yeast: Their pros and cons. JOURNAL OF FLUORESCENCE, 2013.
Sigler K., Matoulková D., Gabriel P., Dienstbier M., Gášková D.: Yeast and stress: from the laboratory to the brewery. KVASNÝ PRŮMYSL , 2010, vol. 56, p. 100-104.
Novotná D., Flegelová H., Chaloupka R., Maláč J., Gášková D., Janderová B., Sigler K.: Alteration of Saccharomyces cerevisiae plasma membrane fluidity is accompanied with the reduced sensitivity of cells to the killer toxin K1.. YEAST, 2003, vol. 20, p. 232.
Sigler K., Gášková D.: Compounds affecting cell membrane functions and integrity: MDR pumps and their exploration. SUBSTANCJE BIOLOGICZNIE CZYNNE, 2002, vol. 51, p. 19-22.
Gášková D., Denksteinová B., Herman P., Sigler K.: Changes in dis-C3(3) fluorescence in yeast report not only on membrane potential, but also on structural integrity of the plasma membrane. FLUORESCENCE MICROSCOPY AND FLUORESCENT PROBES, 1998, vol. 2, p. 147-152.
Herman P., Gášková D., Denksteinová B., Holoubek A., Sigler K.: Assessment of mitochondrial potential in yeasts by the fluorescent dye diS-C3(3): Monitoring and modeling of membrane potential transients. FLUORESCENCE MICROSCOPY AND FLUORESCENT PROBES , 1998, vol. 2, p. 141-145.
Denksteinová B., Gášková D., Herman P., Malínský J., Sigler K.: Study of membrane potential changes of yeast cells based on the spectroscopic analysis of diS-C3(3) fluorescence. PHYSICA MEDICA , 1997, vol. 13, p. 269-271.
Denksteinová B., Gášková D., Herman P., Sigler K.: Fluorescent probe diS-C3(3) as the indicator of membrane potential changes in S. cerevisiae. PROGRESS IN BIOPHYSICS & MOLECULAR BIOLOGY, 1996, vol. 65, p. 508.
Denksteinová B., Gášková D., Herman P., Sigler K., Malínský J.: Speed of accumulation of the membrane potential indicator diS-C3(3) in yeast cells. FLUORESCENCE MICROSCOPY AND FLUORESCENT PROBES, 1996, p. 151-155.
Vondrejs V., Gášková D., Prosser V.: N-phenyl-1-naphtnylamine as a fluorescent probe for early event in the action of yeast Killer factor. GENERAL PHYSIOLOGY AND BIOPHYSICS , 1982, vol. 1, p. 435-445.